Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Steps of Seduction

Learn the Secrets of True Seduction That Will Make Women Surrender Completely.


1. Seduce her mind first. You must get in his head and thought about you. You need to feel comfortable with you.

2. Listen and talk to her. Women love to talk. They feel closer to you, if you listen and remember what she talked. In a sense, words are a form of sex to a woman because it is the only thing with which they have to build trust with you. A woman will tell you exactly how and when it wants to seduce you if you shut up and listen - to find his likes and dislikes, needs and desires, all that is needed. Laugh with her and agree with it when you can.

3. Take things slowly. Show them you're sick, your ability to resist his will ask if you are really interested, and motivate her to show you what it is worth being interested in.

4. Kiss with your eyes first. Women need to feel a connection with you. You start this issue through your words and your eyes. If you can keep your eyes on you, and hypnotize her with your words, you are halfway there.

5. Increase physical intimacy. You must be careful with it. Do not be anxious or aggressive. Beginning to touch a woman with simple hugs, tapes in the back, so then gradually increased it more closely ... kiss with your eyes. Next, proceed to simple kisses (pecks). Again, take it slowly.

6. Talking about sex and sexy things. At some point, begin to talk about sex ... and not between you two, but generally you have had experiences. Once you inject the topic of sex, it will be on their mind when they think of you. With women, everything is on the knowledge and security. Speaking of the act which makes them more comfortable with the law.

7. Say you want a woman's. Choosing the right time, but be clear you want him - and not in a kind of cheese ( "I want you, baby") but in a tender. She needs to know that you want a time and place of the act. Gauge his reaction. If it is ready, then plan on setting up the situation for it to happen.

8. When is the right time, always ask permission ( "Okay, honey?") And be ready to return at any time if it is not ready.

9. Compliance with a woman at any time. It is not a piece of meat but a human being with feelings. If you are "making", then you are not seduce a woman, you are just an animal in heat.

10. Find a good form of interaction, one that works best for you. If you need time to think about what you say, maybe by e-mail or instant messaging will work best for you, at least to start.

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